Potato Vine Flamers

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• One Application Desiccation

• Effective & Affordable Treatment of Blight Spore

• Kills insects & insect habitat

• Preemergence Weed Control

• Safe For the Environment – No Runoff, Soil or Ground Water Contamination

• Available in 2, 4, 6, and 8 Row Units

Red Dragon® Potato Vine Flamers offer producers a totally organic way to desiccate potato vines to stop the growth and set the skins of potatoes. Flamers burn clean, efficient propane, so there is no residue, run-off, or contamination to worry about due to chemical or acid use.

This flaming process uses our patented liquid spray torches which are specially designed to spray liquid propane into the vines where combustion takes place. The canopy of vines and foliage help hold the heat helping to make more efficient use of the fuel. The intense heat thermally shocks the green vines and destroys cell tissues in the leaves, destroying the plant’s ability to conduct photosynthesis. Tall varieties require flail chopping before flaming.

Flaming is also a very effective weapon for blight control. Chemical treatments are expensive, and not an option for organic growers. Flaming to desiccate or scorching the ground right before harvest will help control blight spores.

Fuel consumption averages 20 to 30 gallons (76-114 Liters) per acre and is affected by both the pressure supplied to the spray nozzles and by the ground speed. Ground speeds range from 3 to 5 m.p.h. Heavy foliage must be desiccated at a higher pressure and a slower speed and light foliage can be flamed at a higher speed and lower fuel pressure. This allows the operator to gauge the LP gas used to the amount of foliage, thus conserving fuel and reducing costs.

Safe And Easy To Use. All Red Dragon® Potato Vine Flamers come with electronic solenoids allowing flame control and immediate shut down from the driver’s seat.

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